Introduction To The Blog

So what is Hemp? The biggest misconception about Hemp is that its marijuana but that's incorrect. It's part of the cannabis family but they are two completely different plants. You cannot get "high" from Hemp.

Its long fibrous stalk has been used to make clothing and rope for thousands of years. Hemp seed is high in protein, it contains all amino acids, and rich in omega-3 fats it has been a staple of the human diet for thousands of years.

Hemp is the ultimate renewable resource the possibilities and uses are endless. One acre of hemp produces more paper than one acre of trees and hemp can be replanted every six months

The USDA reported in 1916 that an acre of hemp produced as much paper as four acres of trees annually.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Hemp Revolution

The Hemp Revolution is a documentary which covers the historical and modern uses of hemp around the world. From describing the production of a fiber that is much more durable and economic than wood or cotton the documentary discusses hemps many uses as food products, non-polluting fuels and as a pharmaceutical product. The film also investigates why America went from a country which produced vast quantities of industrial hemp, to playing a role in the complete world-wide ban on hemp production starting in 1938. This story in particular is interesting, it points out that the large oil based industries and powerful names in the newspaper business actually had a key role in the aforementioned ban. The conclusion of the documentary could be that hemp will prove to be a valid alternative to both oil, wood  in the future.

Part 2 of The Hemp Revolution

Imagine a world without a single more oil spill. Imagine tree-less paper, paper that doesn't require a single chemical to produce. Or clothing that doesn't need any pesticides or herbicides to grow unlike cotton (which uses more pesticides than any other crop) the technology already exists. Humanity's fate has been intertwined with hemp since the beginning of recorded history, only in the last 70 years have we banned the most useful plant in our history. We must tweet this to as much people as we can. If politicians want to create jobs and bring manufacturing back to America they need to realize that hemp is a crop that can do it. Hemp is still the next billion dollar crop.